Clinical Trial Authority: Patient Retention Tech Revolution

Recent years have gone on to see a promising trend- the application of technology so as to revolutionize patient engagement as well as retention strategies. Right from mobile applications to electronic clinical outcome assessments- eCOA and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures- ePRO, as well as the broad field of telehealth, technology happens to be making waves in the way clinical trials happen to be conducted. Let us examine some of the major solutions that happen to be delivering change.

The right impact when it comes to mobile apps

Mobile apps happen to be at the forefront of this shift, giving out a direct line of communication between researchers as well as participants. These platforms can go ahead and deliver reminders in terms of medication intake and appointments, as well as offer educational content related to the trial, and that too all at any patient’s fingertips. The comfort factor, apparently, cannot be overstated. It is well to be noted that a Pew Research Center survey found that 85% of Americans happen to own a smartphone, underscoring the potential reach when it comes to mobile-based interventions.

Enhancing data collection in trials

Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments- (eCOA as well as Patient-Reported Outcome Measures- ePRO went on to further streamline the data collection process, enabling real-time symptom monitoring as well as feedback from participants. This not only enhances the quality as well as the immediacy of the data, but at the same time engages the patient by way of valuing their input along with their experiences across the trial. A systematic review within the Journal of Medical Internet Research went on to indicate that ePRO systems can as well enhance patient engagement along with data accuracy, hence making them invaluable tools as far as clinical research is concerned.

Elevating patient engagement

Patient engagement strategies have gone on to see a technological overhaul. Gamification, tailor-made communication, along with virtual communities go on to offer a sense of belonging as well as support to participants, which can indeed be pivotal when it comes to retaining them for the duration of the trial. The more involved as well as valued patients feel, the more likely they are to stay in line and committed.

The elevation of telehealth

Telehealth has gone on to emerge as a game-changer, specifically in the wake of the worldwide pandemic. Virtual visits, consultations, and follow-ups not only make sure of continuity in trials across unforeseen circumstances but at the same time also reduce the burden of travel when it comes to participants. This convenience is especially beneficial for those who happen to be in remote areas or the one who have mobility issues. As per a survey by the American Hospital Association- AHA, 76% of US hospitals happen to be connecting with patients as well as consulting practitioners by way of video as well as other technology, highlighting the widespread adoption when it comes to telehealth services.

Making use of technology in clinical trials

Integration of technology within the gamut of clinical trials is indeed paving the way for enhanced patient retention by way of convenience, engagement, and a customized approach when it comes to participant care.

By way of harnessing the power of mobile apps, eCOA and ePRO, patient engagement strategies, and telehealth, researchers not only streamline trial processes but at the same time also foster a supportive along with an inclusive environment for all participants.

The future when it comes to clinical trials needs the balancing of human touch along with technological innovation, thereby making sure that every participant’s journey happens to be as informed as well as comfortable as it can be.